Dropdown Picker
A menu that allows users to pick an option that changes some or all of the page. It's always paired with a button to trigger the menu.
Page sections
Menu trigger
Menu items
Trigger label
The trigger label will always reflect the selected menu item and will update when a new item is selected.
Menu’s width grows based on the items within, but still adheres to minimum and maximum settings.
The menu will scroll after six items.
Avoiding viewport collisions
The menu will display above its trigger to avoid colliding with the viewport.
Visual style
Content strategy
The overall content goal of Dropdown Picker is to describe the user’s current view and surface options for other views. The copy, then, is “stateful.”
Dropdown Picker options should be styled according to their related content.
Implied action
Because Dropdown Picker describes and changes the view, actions are repetitive and confusing if included in the options.
Character count
The Dropdown Picker is flexible for longer copy, but be sure to consider each option in the “selected” state — when it displays as the triggering button — to see how it plays with the rest of the page.
If you have options of unknown and/or potentially problematic length, work with design and a11y partners to determine the best solution for the context.
- Manually triggered stateful menu
- Page changes to selected state based on user selection
Keyboard/focus expectations
- Popup button receives focus
- Enter and Spacebar open/close the dropdown
- Arrow keys to move down the option list
- Enter or Spacebar to select an item
- Escape or tab to end of the list to exit the menu
- On escape, focus returns to button
Screen reader expectations*
- Focus on button trigger: “Choose an option, {Current Option}, collapsed, popup button”
- Picker opened: “Arrow key through indexed list of options * Item (1 of 5), Item (2 of 5), etc.”
- Selected option, dropdown closed: “Choose an option, {Current Option}, collapsed, popup button”
- Reopened: Focus returns to previously selected option within the list
*Note: This is a general experience expectation, but there are variations in how assistive technology responds on certain browser and screen readers.