
Status: Available View in Storybook

Cards contain summary content and actions about a single subject. They can be used by themselves or within a list. Cards are interactive and aren’t meant to be used solely for style purposes.



Though there is a single Card component, it is configurable to allow hero imagery, thumbnails, and additional actions.



May work well when...

  • User is browsing content items
  • Presenting a concise summary of a single concept and linking to its details
  • The entire container needs to be clickable/tappable
  • Providing a very limited set of actions

May NOT work well when...

  • User is searching or comparing among content items (a structured, single-column list may be more efficient)
  • Presenting detailed information or multiple concepts
  • Providing a variety of inline actions or links
  • Presenting wide content items
  • Needing a generic visual container

Primary action region

Card’s primary action region is usually the card itself and should be one touch or tap to greater detail.

Keep the primary action area clear of additional interactive elements
Don't nest additional interactive elements within the primary action region

Secondary action region

Card’s secondary action region is for actions supplemental to each card’s subject. Each additional action added to a Card can detract from the main content so add them with great discretion.

In keeping with the name “secondary action region,” we generally recommend using Tertiary Buttons. However, there may be instances in which Primary or Default buttons are necessary. Refer to Button guidelines.

Use Tertiary Buttons for supplemental actions
Don't include too many actions
If using a Default or Primary Button to surface a top action, use a single button to maintain content clarity and focus
Avoid multiple Default or Primary buttons


Card title is required to enhance usability and accessibility
Don't omit the Card title


Cards can contain rich media like hero images and thumbnails.

Use illustrations or pictograms for thumbnails
Don't use icons for thumbnails
Use photography for hero images
Don't use icons, illustrations, or pictograms for hero images

Use within a list

If Card is used within a list, be mindful of content quantity and how much scrolling may be required.

Use pagination patterns to avoid excessive scrolling
Avoid infinity scrolling



Hero images will fill a card’s width and, if necessary, crop evenly from top and bottom while maintaining their proportions.

Graceful fallback

Hero images will gracefully fall back to a gray fill if asset is unavailable.

Visual style



Content strategy

The overall content goal of Card is to summarize a single subject, providing just enough information or motivation to take action.


Cards take style cues from the content they link to.

A headline linking to a proper navigational page might reflect Title Casing...
...while a headline linking to an informal article might reflect Sentence casing.

Context setting

Summary-level information on Cards should directly relate to the desired interactions.

Distilled details can give users the key info they need to know without clicking in...
...while teaser content can drive more clicks in.


Because the entire Card is clickable/tappable, no CTA is required to highlight that behavior. Instead, CTAs should present top supplemental actions that users can confidently take based on the summarized information.

Surface top actions if a quick, clear next step is possible without clicking in
Avoid actions that call out the inherent clickability of the card



  • Content container holding single heading with linked content
  • Utilizes link and/or buttons for action
  • Completes an action based on a user’s selection

Keyboard/focus expectations

Card is a containing element and does not affect how content is consumed by assistive technologies.

  • Main section of card receives focus
  • Linked heading and content are read together
  • Enter and spacebar click the main section link
  • Tab to move focus to action buttons
  • Focus navigates to each element within a card before moving to the next card
  • Establish expected reading order within a card and among cards, must be maintained for various break points

Screen reader expectations*

  • “Link, {Card Title}, {Card Content}”
  • Link clicked: “Press link, {Card Title}, {Card Content}”
  • Tab forward to action buttons: “{Button Name}, button”
  • Image don’t receive focus since they are always decorative
  • For card group, index cards per page, user should hear “list, 8 items” when group is focused, each card will read “1 of 8, 2 of 8, etc.”

*Note: This is a general experience expectation, but there are variations in how assistive technology responds on certain browser and screen readers.

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