Dropdown Menu

Status: Available View in Storybook

A menu that allows users to choose an action from a list. It's always paired with a button to trigger the menu.





Use for providing a menu of links or actions
Don't use for providing a list of options, especially within a form context. Use Select instead.
Don't use for a menu whose content will change some or all of a page. Use Dropdown Picker instead.
Use the default or tertiary Button or a HTML button element to trigger the menu
Don't use other HTML elements as a trigger
Don't use with primary Button
Use for grouping related actions or links
Don't use for grouping unrelated items
Avoid using for single menu items
Use icons consistently
Don't use icons inconsistently



Menu’s width is based on its content, but still adheres to a minimum and maximum width.


The menu will scroll after six items.

Avoiding viewport collisions

The menu will display above its trigger to avoid colliding with the viewport.

Visual style

Maintain 4px between Button and Dropdown Menu
Left-align with trigger when possible
Right-align with trigger to avoid viewport collision

Content strategy

The overall content goal of Dropdown Menu is to surface a menu of actions that users can choose from quickly and confidently. Context and clarity are key factors in helping set expectations for the chosen action.


Because Dropdown Menu options are actions, apply the same style you’d use for Button or links.

Use Title Case for short, button-like actions
Use Sentence case for longer, link-like copy. End punctuation is not necessary.

Character count

The surrounding page sets the stage, so Dropdown Menu options can be short and sweet. If a longer option is necessary, the component can accommodate multiple lines.

Focus the user with succinct, direct actions
Avoid extraneous content that's implied by the menu's context


The surrounding page sets the stage, so Dropdown Menu options can be short and sweet. If a longer option is necessary, the component can accommodate multiple lines.

Start all Dropdown Menu options with verbs
Stick to a common grammatical structure within each menu



  • Manually triggered stateless menu
  • Utilizing links or buttons for action
  • Completes an action based on a user’s selection

Keyboard/focus expectations

  • Popup button receives focus
  • Enter and Spacebar open/close the menu
  • Tab or arrow keys to move down the menu list
  • Enter to select a menu item
  • Escape or tab to end of the list to exit the menu

Screen reader expectations*

  • “{Button Name}, collapsed, popup button”
  • Once opened: “{Button Name}, expanded, popup button”
  • Menu opened: “Menu, choose an item, {Total Number of Items}”
  • Each item within the menu: “{Label Name}, menu item, index #”
  • For menus using links: “Link, Menu Item, {Label Name}”

*Note: This is a general experience expectation, but there are variations in how assistive technology responds on certain browser and screen readers.

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