Text Input

Status: Web Components Aetna CVS View in Storybook

An input element that accommodates single text entry. Most commonly used within a form.



Default text input Default text input

With Helper Text

Text input with Helper Text Text input with Helper Text


Text Input can be used for prompting the user to enter text-based input values such as:

  • Text (i.e. first name: alpha)
  • Passwords (alphanumeric)
  • Email Addresses (alphanumeric)
  • Phone Numbers (numeric - 10 digits U.S.)
  • A long phrase or paragraph (alphanumeric)

(please note that text is the only input type currently supported. Support for other types, such as tel and email are coming soon)

Avoid using text input for potentially multi-line text, like ratings or messages to providers. Use Textarea instead.

Use Text Inputs for short text, like names
Avoid using Text Inputs for longform text
Always use a label that clearly identifies the input content

Visual style

Text Inputs can be variable width and should keep the width to the expected length for the content it’s intended for.

Never make a full page width Text Input on desktop.
Vertically stack inputs when possible
Avoid inputs that horizontally align

Content Strategy


Labels for Text Input are typically direct, putting clarity and brevity over brand voice in most contexts.

Text entry is implied, so omit actions. “First Name” suffices instead of “Add First Name”.

  • Aetna: Use Title case for labels
  • CVS: Use Sentence case for labels

Placeholder, Masking & Helper Text

Placeholder text and input masks are not built into the Text Input component. Instead, use helper text above the field to give guidance, as needed.

Requirements & Errors

Mark optional fields as such. Otherwise fields are assumed required.

  • Form views with multiple fields should display “All fields are required unless marked optional”

View Aetna’s error guidelines.



  • Edit state: Label and helper text must be programmatically connected to Text Input
  • Completed: Valid data entered
  • Error state: Text Input should only show error validation messages after a user has interacted with a particular field

Keyboard/Focus Expectations

  • Pressing the tab key moves focus to the Text Input
  • Clicking Label or field focuses the Text Input
  • Error state announced upon focus and receives focus

Screen Reader Expectations

  • Reading Order: “{Label Name}, edit text, {Helper text}”
  • Error: “{Label Name}, edit text, {Helper text}, {Error message}”

*Note: This is a general experience expectation, but there are variations in how assistive technology responds on certain browsers and screen readers.

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