iOS Start Guide

The Enterprise Digital Design System

Enterprise aims to be flexible, functional, and help designers and developers work together to create cohesive products that look and act as expected.

The iOS framework brings all of these components to your Apple app projects, allowing you to use components such as DSButton, DSIcon, and DSIllustration simply and easily.

Installation - Swift Package Manager

Enterprise can be included in your app using the Swift Package Manager:

  1. With your project open, select File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency…
  2. In the search bar, type
  3. Find the Enterprise Digital Design System repository and tap Next.
  4. Choose which version or branch you’d like to use and tap Next.
  5. Tap Finish.

All Design System classes will be accessible through the EnterpriseDS module. To include such a component in a storyboard or XIB, set the view’s module name to “EnterpriseDS”. When using Design System code in a Swift source file, access anything in the namespace with:

import EnterpriseDS

Getting Started

The Design System exposes its various components and styles in a variety of ways with developer convenience being top priority. SwiftDoc is also available, right in Xcode, for all the framework’s code.

See our SDK Reference for developer information on all our public offerings. (Generated by swift-doc)

The Showcase App

The Showcase app is a showcase of the various components, styles and testing facilities currently found in the Design System. Use it to browse the component library and see all of their various forms and functions.

To run Showcase:

  1. Open the project, Example/EnterpriseDS.xcodeproj.
  2. Choose the EnterpriseDS - Showcase scheme.
  3. Run with ⌘R.

You can also install the Showcase app directly via TestFlight, and get regular public builds, by requesting access from the Request Form


The Enterprise Digital Design System team is responsible for directing the Design System and building out framework products for all three major platforms: iOS, Android, and Web.

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