
Enterprise Digital typographic styles

Type styles that have been carefully chosen for consistency and optimal readability across Enterprise Digital products. For information on how to structure typography semantically, scroll down to the “Usability Guidelines“ section within this page.

(Web) Typeface

Type Face Available Weights
Helvetica Regular, Bold
Type Face Available Weights
Domaine Display Bold
Open Sans Regular, Semibold, Bold

(Web) Font stack

Type Face Font Stack
Helvetica Helvetica, Arial, Sans Serif;
Type Face Font Stack
Domain Display ‘Domaine Display’, Georgia, Serif;
Open Sans ‘Open Sans’, Arial, Sans-Serif;

(Web) Type Styles - Screen sizes > 1024px

Web platform type styles for screens greater than 1024px

Style Name Size (rem) Size (px) Line Height (em) Line Height (px) Weight
Display Heading
2.25 36 1.3 46.8 Bold
Display Sub Heading
1.5 24 1.3 31.2 Bold
Heading (XL)
1.75 28 1.3 36.4 Bold
Sub Heading (XL)
1.25 20 1.3 26 Bold
Heading (L)
1.375 22 1.3 28.6 Bold
Sub Heading (L)
1 16 1.3 20.8 Bold
Heading (M)
1.125 18 1.3 23.4 Bold
Heading (S)
1 16 1.3 20.8 Bold
Heading (XS)
0.875 14 1.3 18.2 Bold
Body (M)
1 16 1.5 24 Regular
Body (S)
0.875 14 1.5 21 Regular
Body (XS)
0.75 12 1.5 18 Regular
Style Name Size (rem) Size (px) Line Height (em) Line Height (px) Weight
Display Heading
2.25 36 1.3 46.8 Bold
Display Sub Heading
1.5 24 1.3 31.2 Semibold
Heading (XL)
1.75 28 1.3 36.4 Bold
Sub Heading (XL)
1.25 20 1.3 26 Semibold
Heading (L)
1.375 22 1.3 28.6 Bold
Sub Heading (L)
1 16 1.3 20.8 Semibold
Heading (M)
1.125 18 1.3 23.4 Bold
Heading (S)
1 16 1.3 20.8 Bold
Heading (XS)
0.875 14 1.3 18.2 Bold
Body (M)
1 16 1.5 24 Regular
Body (S)
0.875 14 1.5 21 Regular
Body (XS)
0.75 12 1.5 18 Regular

(Web) Type Styles - Screen Sizes < 1024px

Web platform type styles for screens less than 1024px

Style Name Size (rem) Size (px) Line Height (em) Line Height (px) Weight
Display Heading
2 32 1.3 41.6 Bold
Display Sub Heading
1.375 22 1.3 28.6 Bold
Heading (XL)
1.625 26 1.3 33.8 Bold
Sub Heading (XL)
1.25 20 1.3 26 Bold
Heading (L)
1.375 22 1.3 28.6 Bold
Sub Heading (L)
1.125 18 1.3 23.4 Bold
Heading (M)
1.25 20 1.3 26 Bold
Heading (S)
1.125 18 1.3 23.4 Bold
Heading (XS)
1 16 1.3 20.8 Bold
Body (M)
1.125 18 1.5 27 Regular
Body (S)
1 16 1.5 24 Regular
Body (XS)
0.875 14 1.5 21 Regular
Style Name Size (rem) Size (px) Line Height (em) Line Height (px) Weight
Display Heading
2 32 1.3 41.6 Bold
Display Sub Heading
1.375 22 1.3 28.6 Semibold
Heading (XL)
1.625 26 1.3 33.8 Bold
Sub Heading (XL)
1.25 20 1.3 26 Semibold
Heading (L)
1.375 22 1.3 28.6 Bold
Sub Heading (L)
1.125 18 1.3 23.4 Semibold
Heading (M)
1.25 20 1.3 26 Bold
Heading (S)
1.125 18 1.3 23.4 Bold
Heading (XS)
1 16 1.3 20.8 Bold
Body (M)
1.125 18 1.5 27 Regular
Body (S)
1 16 1.5 24 Regular
Body (XS)
0.875 14 1.5 21 Regular

(Web) Style Mapping

Mapping existing Web platform, legacy type styles to new EDDS type styles

Style Name CVS
Display Heading
H Level 1
Display Sub Heading
Heading (XL)
H Level 2
Sub Heading (XL)
Heading (L)
H Level 3
Sub Heading (L)
Heading (M)
H Level 4
Heading (S)
Heading (XS)
Body (M)
Paragraph, Default UI
Body (S)
Body (XS)
Style Name Aetna
Display Heading
Display Headline
Display Sub Heading
Heading (XL)
Page Headline
Sub Heading (XL)
Heading (L)
Section Headline
Sub Heading (L)
Heading (M)
Heading (S)
Heading (XS)
Body (M)
Body, Numeral, Disclaimer label, Label, Link, CTA
Body (S)
Body (Small), Numeral (Small), Disclaimer Label (Small), Link (Small)
Body (XS)

(Android & iOS) Type Styles

Both iOS and Android platforms use a different type scale than web and mobile web platform. By using their native type scales, you are ensuring the experiences, you design and build, adhere to accessibility to correct aspect ratio sizing as well as accessibility features within that platform.

Note: Enterprise Digital Design System team are evaluating native type styles and deciding how they can fit into EDDS type system.

Usability Guidelines

Text Formatting

Never use all caps unless it’s for acronyms or initials.
Avoid using Italics to emphasize words.
Underlines are reserved for links only.


Do not use color to convey hierarchy.
Always use A11y approved Grayscale colors and rely on weight and size to distinguish text hierarchy.


Avoid using fonts smaller than 14px (0.875 rem).
Only use percentage based units (rem) so users are still able to adjust font size on their devices.
Always declare line height as a percentage based unit (em), relative to it’s current font size.


Do not use fluid typography. It can override a users default font size on their device. Stick to adaptive media queries instead.


Users who need screen readers rely on well structured headings to navigate content. Always make sure to use the correct level of HTML heading tags.

The <h1> tag can only be used once and at the highest level of the page, usually to indicate the page title. All other HTML heading tags can be used multiple times but must follow a hierarchy. The best way to structure heading levels is similar to an outline.

Never skip heading levels, this can cause confusion for users and prevent websites from being navigated properly by screen readers and search engines.
The input of headings in code and output of type styles visually
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