Builds the Snackbar and returns an EnterpriseSnackbar instance that can be stored for future use. Does not call, see makeAndShow.
This instance of EnterpriseSnackbar to access the internal components.
The view to find a parent from. This view is also used to find the anchor view when calling Snackbar.setAnchorView.
How long to display the message. Can be Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE, or a custom duration in milliseconds.
The text string to set for bodyTextView.
The text string to set for buttonView (defaults to "Dismiss").
If set to true, will use an alternate vertical layout with the bodyTextView above the buttonView, useful for long button text (defaults to false).
Defaults to Snackbar.ANIMATION_MODE_SLIDE, can optionally be set to Snackbar.ANIMATION_MODE_FADE.
Listener for buttonView's action. Will automatically call Snackbar.dismiss in addition to the provided action.